The Servers are regularly updated and feature the latest technology.
Server modernization
We are currently working hard to upgrade our entire server infrastructure to the latest technology. This includes the use of the most up-to-date hard drive models available on the market, resulting in a significant increase in efficiency. Our goal is to not only enhance the performance of our systems but also to significantly improve the speed of our processes. Through this modernization effort, we aim to provide our customers with an even faster and more reliable service.
Unser Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit und grüne Technologie
Bei Hosting High Speed Bobardt Enterprises Inc. sind wir stolz darauf, einen bedeutenden Schritt in Richtung einer umweltfreundlicheren und nachhaltigeren Zukunft zu machen. Unser unermüdliches Engagement für den Schutz unseres Planeten spiegelt sich in unserer sorgfältigen Auswahl der Energiequellen wider, mit denen unsere Server betrieben werden.
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